Welcome to Ahmed Prep!

We at Ahmed Prep are committed to bringing a world-class test prep experience that is accessible, effective, and enjoyable to all students without an enormous price tag. We support our students in developing the skills to think, learn, and problem-solve independently. Our holistic approach combines foundational skills, critical thinking, executive skills development, and mentorship. Experience has shown that this integrated approach facilitates remarkable outcomes, including the application of practical knowledge to succeed in their exams and demonstrate a readiness to begin practicing in their corresponding fields of study competently. 


We tap into the students' intelligence and creativity and strive to bring the best out of their highest potential. Succeeding on a test or getting an improved grade is no longer the finish line. Those achievements are now just stepping stones to becoming a creative, powerful learner and a self-assured young person.


We inspire our students to shape their future. Our students develop a resilient mindset, learn to excel in the challenges they face every day, and apply essential study skills. In short, they learn how to deliver on the promises they make to themselves.  

We make challenging math/science concepts easy to understand. We help our students to achieve their dream scores on SHSAT®, SAT®,  ACT®, AP®, PSAT/NMSQT®, Hunter Test, and Regents exams. Our programs are affordable, and our classes are always live and online. So you can access our live classes from anywhere with no time to waste. Classes are filling up very fast. Don't wait, call us now. 

Contact us

Ahmed Prep

Tel: 347-479-5020

Email: Tariq@ahmedprep.com

Address: 19-15 21st Ave, 2B; Astoria, NY-11105

Instructor: Tariq Ahmed

SHSAT class

Our beloved students

Tariq Ahmed